DesignBold - Graphic Design for Non Designer

If you are non-designers, lucky for you.
You don't need design skill to design! DesignBold is here to save the day!

DesignBold is the cleanest, simplest, and fastest online design tool for non-designers.
Super easy friendly to use, don’t need to install complicated and heavy software.
Accessible anywhere even when using public computers.
Drag-and-drop interface, innovative editing, and high-resolution download.
Simplest way with  to creating presentations, webinars, flyers, infographic, poster or resumes.

  1. Access to 10,600+ templates
  2. Access to 300,000+ Free Stock Photos
  3. Unlimited storage
  4. Traditional picture file formats output (.PNG, .JPG, .PDF)

Useful links :

Official Website : Free Plan
Official FB : Product Page
Discussion Thread in FB : Discuss here